Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hey Vishtha kai Aste???

This is the one of the funniest conversation I ever had .Few days ago I have called my net operator regarding net service..
(Tring tring…Tring Tring…)
Someone have picked up the call
ME: HELLO,XXX net…??
Call At tender (Female):  Hna Bola(ya speak)
ME: My Name is XYZ..My account no is 222333.My Internet is not working properly.
Call At tender: Kai problem aahe?(What is the problem?)
ME: its show’s “404:Page Not Found”
Call At tender: Ekda Net cha plug kadhun punha ghala.
Me: NO still same problem.
Call At tender: Modem check kara. Sagle Dive Petle aahet ka?(Check Your Modem. whether all light                      
                           are on(Burnig LOLS)?)
Me:Ya mam..
Call At tender: Baree…Tumhi operating system konti  vaprata  Windows 2000 ki XP??
                          (ok…Which Operating System you are using? Windows 2000 or XP?)
ME: Windows Vista
Call At tender:Vishtha te kai aste?(Vishtah wat’s that?)
ME: Its my operating System.
Call At tender : Pranita(may be one of her collogue)  Vishtha kai aahe? Aplyala shikavle aahe ka?
                             (Pranita,what is this Vishtha? did they teach us?)
Call At tender: Hey ajun amhal shikavle nahi aahe.(they have not teach us abot that).amcha engineer
                             yeun check karun jail(our engineer will come to your home and he will check)
and she hung up…

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